This summer, I think the best make-up look, is going all natural; less is more. Sure, covering up all the gross stuff, such as; pimples, acne, blackheads, scars, and etc. is needed but, when is comes to smoky eyes and bright lips, I think we should save that stuff for the Winter, when people look pale and dull.
When you're tan, but you have a bunch of make-up, your face looks over-done- that's not cute. All you need is some mascara (not to dark), eyeliner (gold or black for dark-colored eyes. brown or a light gold for light-colored eyes.), face make-up (powder, foundation, concealer, bronzer, etc.), light-shaded lipgloss or lip stain or just plain-old chap-stick (my favorite is Burt's Bees.), and a little touch of eye glitter for parties, dinners, and special occasions. Now apply! Make sure not to apply too much, because make-up lines are not cute, and looking cake-y is also not cute. Note: If you're tan, but you have light-colored eyes, it's preferably that you use a darker shade of eyeliner than brown, just because it may not show up, or it may look odd. If you're darker in complexion, it is preferably not to where bright-bright blush, that's just weird (I mean like black girl + bright pink blush = yuck!) Eye shadow colors recommended are along the lines of gold, light orange, and peach. Oh! and don't forget that bright/neon or nude/peach tones nail polish is a great add for any summer look.